Services performed by our

Gynecological and Urogenital Teaching Associates

Always Supportive. Always Professional.

GYnecologic Exam training

Our Pelvic and Breast Tissue/Chest Exam Trainings cover both technical and psychosocial elements, plus hands-on practice. The Project Prepare educator is first professionally dressed and leads a lecture/discussion on history taking and physical exam technique. Then, the educator changes into a gown and guides learners as they perform the exam on the educator's body. Feedback addresses patient comfort, as well as the thoroughness and appropriateness of each learner's technique and communication. Educators may additionally offer learners high-fidelity patient interview roleplay.

Pelvic Exam learners may practice a visual exam; external palpations; single-finger internal examination for prolapses and pelvic floor muscle assessment; metal and/or plastic speculum examination; bimanual examination; and rectovaginal exam.

Breast Tissue/Chest Exam learners will practice visual inspection, clavicular and axillary lymph node palpations, and comprehensive vertical strip palpation of the chest at light, medium, and deep pressure. Additionally, learners will practice palpation technique and annotation utilizing a simulator with embedded findings, and review a visual case study of a tumor-affected breast.


Urogenital and Prostate Exam Training covers both technical and psychosocial elements, plus hands-on practice. The Project Prepare educator is first professionally dressed and leads a lecture/discussion on history taking and physical exam technique. Then, the educator changes into a gown and guides learners as they perform the exam on the educator's body. Feedback addresses patient comfort, as well as the thoroughness and appropriateness of each learner's technique and communication. Educators may additionally offer learners high-fidelity patient interview roleplay.

Urogenital & Prostate Exam earners will practice a visual and physical examination of the penis/scrotum/testes, palpation for direct and indirect inguinal hernias, visual inspection of the anus and perianal area, and digital rectal/prostate exam. Additionally, learners practice eliciting the cremasteric reflex, utilizing transscrotal illumination, and identifying findings embedded within a set of silicone prostate models. As time allows, Educators may additionally detail STI  harm-reduction counseling methods.  

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, we offer these services in both virtual and in-person formats!


Delivered as an interactive lecture or mock clinic event, the Sexual History Interviewing Lab provides learners a foundation from which to 1) define the clinical relationship between human sexuality and medicine; 2) analyze health risk based on sexual behavior; 3) understand presenting complaints related to sexual function; 4) establish appropriate rapport and take a patient-centered approach (especially in unfamiliar and/or confusing clinical situations); and 5) prepare for supportive, nonjudgemental gender- and sexuality-related care with diverse patient populations. Project Prepare can offer a cohort of learners increasingly complex cases year over year.

trans patient INSIGHT PANEL

The learning objectives of the Working with Trans Patients Q&A Panel are to begin teaching students to

  • distinguish between sex, gender, and sexual orientation

  • deconstruct assumptions about patients’ anatomy or sexual behavior based on gender or orientation

  • determine whether and how aspects of the patient’s gender are relevant in a variety of clinical scenarios

  • provide patient-centered care, respecting the patient's identity, pronouns, and any other requested/comfortable language while effectively treating the anatomy present

Project Prepare’s panelists show up as their personal and professional selves, sharing their advice, gender journeys, and negative and positive experiences with health care providers — particularly regarding for gender/sex/fertility-related care. Project Prepare emphasizes to students that the skills imparted in this panel are both life-saving for trans patients and transferable to other clinical scenarios.

O. S. C. E.

OSCEs — Objective Structured Clinical Encounters or Observed Standardized Clinical Evaluations — provide students strictly timed mock clinical visits, which can be formative or evaluative. Project Prepare educators are trained to portray patients with various symptoms, concerns, and affect, with dynamic in-character responses to learner’s interview questions and physical assessment. We offer a robust case library, ranging from routine preventative visits to complex concerns necessitating immediate surgical intervention.


Regarding medical device production, sex technology, app development and other innovation, Project Prepare’s Gynecologic, Urologic, and Gender Inclusivity teams provide embodied insight. We can support your design in any iterative phase, from concept to market. Consider us sounding boards, product testers, advertising models, and go-to experts in reproductive anatomy and sexual behavior. We love innovation done right.

#Medtech #Sextech #Femtech